
Friday, August 13, 2010

Feature Friday: Nancy's Couture

I'm taking a little break from the "muffins"- but there will be more throughout the month. We'll try to mix it up a bit, so we aren't so sick of "muffin posts". And I have some FUN sewing projects coming up soon too :)
Today we have an awesome guest- she is great at repurposing things! Meet Nancy from Nancy's Couture.

Hi everyone I am soooo excited to be here today. I love seeing all the creative things Sharla does here. So when she asked if anyone would like to be a guest I jumped at the chance!!! 
 I'm Nancy from Nancy's Couture.
 I have been married to my wonderful husband for 10 years.
We have 2 amazing and funny kids that keep us busy.
When I'm not busy taking care of my family I am sewing for them.  I love to upcycle things and make them new again.  For me it's a creative outlet without having to spend a lot of money plus it gives me an excuse to go thrifting and to yard sales to find my treasures.
Here are some of the tutorials you will find at my blog:
I would LOVE for you to come visit me at my BLOG!
Sharla thank you so much for having me here today!!!  I can't wait to see your next creative project!

Nancy is amazing at making something you love from something that you did not love so much!
Thanks Nancy- I love that Garden Party Dress! Now I just need a girl to go with it :) And those t-shirt trunks are so stinkin' cute.  Make sure you check out Nancy's blog, and  if you would like to be a guest on My Little Gems, please contact me at little gems crafts {at} gmail {dot} com. Thanks for reading- while I take care of the most important things  these days- MY FAMILY :)

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  1. I always love to see what Nancy is up to next. The Garden party dress is so adorable!

  2. love nancy's ideas- i had to make those guitar jeans it was a great idea!


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