
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Supper on Sunday: Shish-Kabobs parents used to make these for us when I was young. And they are a favorite dinner for our family now.

Since summer is ending soon for most people- there is still Labor Day weekend- I thought I'd share this fun dinner!
We use- onion, peppers-red, yellow, green, orange, chicken marinated in BBQ sauce or whatever you like to use, and pineapple. (You can add any meat or veggie that you like.) We put it all on skewers and throw it on the BBQ. That is it!

We had this a few weeks ago, and YUM-O! I love "Shish"-Kabobs! Good thing where I live, we can eat this all year long - as in- it is summer most of the year here :)  Gotta love an Arizona Fall/Winter!!

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