
Monday, September 27, 2010

FREE Mrs. Field's Cookies

Sometimes you read or hear something that sounds almost too good to be true...especially in the world of the internet. So you ignore it right? And press delete. Well shame on you if you ignore this!
 About a month ago, Mrs. Field's Blog , was doing an email referral program- where if you referred your friends through email to their site, and they signed up for their emails, you cookies!! Not just any cookies- Mrs. Field's Cookies! And depending on how many of your friends signed up, would determine the amount of cookies you got. Well Saturday, I got my cookies via UPS in this cute silver tin. JOY!! It was real :)

Never mind that there are bites out of a few in the photo- - sometimes I girl needs a bite or two or three of a cookie- like NOW.

So if you missed out- -- Mrs. Field's Secrets Blog is currently giving a way A YEAR OF FREE COOKIES.
I know you are thinking you don't need the calories.
Neither do I.
But then again, have you read my blog? We love cookies- and - these freeze well- not to mention taste really good! Plus, when I got my free cookies, there was a handy dandy calorie chart included. nice.
Another plus,  you can give them to your neighbors, friends, child's teacher- you know what I mean.
And they will think you are fabulous- I mean Mrs. Field's is the best when it comes to cookies right??
So go on over to the blog and enter.
Here is the post about the email referral program-which is how you get your own free cookies.
And now that I have written about cookies, I need to get on the treadmill....because my 24 free cookies are gone..... ;)  oops....

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