
Friday, October 15, 2010

Back from Disneyland

Home. As fun as traveling and Disneyland and the beach can be, coming home is always nice.
Minus the 25 loads of laundry that has to be done.
This is one of my favorite photos from the trip.
Love it.
Now is someone can give me some good help with digital has been a while and I am rather rusty. I could really use some good resources with tutes for photoshop too... :) so if you have some- please share and I'll love you forever and ever. I've got lots of fun photos to play with after this Disney shin-dig.
Happy Weekend!
I have a few Halloween projects to complete...hoping I get some time. :)
Thanks for reading!
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1 comment:

  1. For digital scrapbooking, check out the Shabby Princess. She offers free downloads here and then she also has a very reasonably priced shoppe at Good luck!!!


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