
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mini Caramel Apple Pies

OK this is so YUMMY and so SIMPLE. It is a perfect recipe to have kids help you with! And if you read my blog regularly- and my Sweets on Sunday posts- you know I love using a cake mix :) It sure simplifies things-when you need things to be simple, because your darn sweet tooth can't wait- ha ha.

(ingredients are in bold)
1. Spray muffin tins with Pam butter spray. (want to make it richer- add a little bit of butter to each tin...)
2. Add about 2-4 tablespoons applesauce. Cover the bottom of each tin -about 1/4 inch.
3. Add a few pieces of chopped and peeled apple. I put about 2-3 pieces- about the size of a quarter.
4. Add about 1/4-1/3 cup yellow cake mix. I just put it on and left some space at the top of each one. I didn't measure. Just poured some on top. You can really add as much as you like. NOTE: This is a dry cake mix- as in straight from the box- nothing added.
5. Top with a little pat of butter or margarine and some cinnamon & sugar.
6. To make these into caramel apple pies, not just apple pies, top each with about a tablespoon of Heath Bar Toffee Chips. (can be found by the chocolate chips)

BAKE for 20-25 minutes at 350. SERVE with whipping cream or cool whip.
Watch might not be able to stop at just one. ☻

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  1. Wow these sound soooo good. I think I'm gonna make them this weekend!!!

  2. You are killing me with this!! I am totally going to have to try this now;)

  3. That sounds so good and I love how few ingredients there are! Stopped by for Wordless Wednesday!

  4. These sound so simple and amazing!!!! YUM!

  5. That was divine. I think next time I'll try it with the butter underneath and a sugar cookie on top instead of the cake. yum. thank you our family loved it and it was definitly easy for the kids to help :)

  6. These look you use yellow cake mix that is already mixed or do you just use the cake mix dry? I would love to make this but I wanted to make sure :o)

  7. OK, so for a novice like me, are you stating dry cake mix (nothing added to the powder) or made mix (with the ingredients from the box added in and stirred)?

  8. Thanks for all the comments- and Bessie- you use a dry cake mix- not mixed- straight from the box. Guess I should edit that ;)
    I made my husband take all the leftovers to work because I was eating so much of this! -lol-
    Easy peasy and yummy for my tummy :)

  9. Trish- it is a dry cake mix- straight from the box- nothing added :) I'm going to edit the post so it says that :)

  10. Thanks for your quick response :o)
    I am going to make it this weekend. I can't wait!!! This is a great fall recipe. Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us.

  11. Well, it tasted good but wouldn't come out of the tins?? I even sprayed them with Pam . . . any suggestions? Next time I might try stirring the applesauce with the cake mix before adding the sugar/cinnamon mix. Hmmmm....

  12. Sharon- O.K- you sprayed them and put applesauce on the bottom right? Mine came out everytime. hhhmmm.... I would try putting some butter or margarine on the bottom. I made these twice and never had a problem getting them out of the pan. What kind of pan are you using? Try butter and I just sprinkled cinn.and sugar on top of the cake mix. Try butter or margine and more applesauce maybe. Good luck. Let me know what happens :)


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