
Friday, November 5, 2010

Give-a-Way: The Miracle Blanket

THIS GIVE-A-WAY is not CLOSED. The WINNER will be announced tomorrow! Check the MiracleBlanket Facebook Page for a list of winners!
Give-a-way time ☻ If you have a baby or know someone who has a baby or is having a baby soon, this is a must have for a newborn! I love this blanket! I wish I could use it on my 3 year old to help him sleep through the night- ☻ Obviously- I'm kidding- since my 3 year is a little big for this :)  ...- but you know how when you have a new baby, and you wish you could just get some sleep? This little blanket really does the trick!
Last year, when my baby was a newborn, I borrowed a friend's miracle blanket. It worked so well at helping my baby sleep, that I had to get one!  Well the Miracle Blanket Company is graciously giving away another one! (retail value is about $40)
Want to win one?

Here is what you do:

1. Visit the Miracle Blanket Facebook page and add them as a favorite. (one entry)

2. Become a follower or a google reader of My Little Gems. (5 entries)

3. Leave a comment- tell me why you need a Miracle Blanket. (1 entry)

THERE IS NO NEED to leave additional comments for additional entries. Just let me know what you did for your entries in your comment. You do not need to leave a separate comment for each entry- don't do that :) Just tell me what you did in your comment and I'll figure it out :)  

This give-a-way runs until Monday at midnight, CST. Winners will be announced on Tuesday next week and have 24 hours to respond. :)

 You can watch a short video clip on how the Miracle Blanket works here.  The Miracle Blanket has been seen in many magazines and on TLC's Bringing Home Baby. It also has a Lifetime Guarantee. I think it is a must have for any one who has a baby!
Good Luck!

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  1. i could definitely use one of these...since as soon as my baby is born(3-4weeks) i know that sleep is going to be a thing of the past.

  2. This blanket is amazing!!!! We won one off of a blog before my daughter was born and have used it everynight for 5 months! She started sleeping through the night at 3 weeks with this blanket! Not entering, just giving your readers my testimony!

  3. My babies are notioriously bad sleepers and i am hoping to have a third sometime...I hope i win. BTW i just became a follower, can't believe i never did it before:)

  4. It's because this blanket is AMAZING! And I need another one so I can have one to use while the other is in the wash. I became a fan, and by the way thought I was a follower, but now I officially am, and of course this is my comment. There is no othe rblanket like this...I don't care what people say, they are not the same this is a one of a kind blanket!!!

  5. This would be really nice to have around our house since we're expecting our 2nd and I'm the world's worst swaddler. I've seen these blankets before and they seem like a really great idea for helping soothe the baby and keep them swaddled.

  6. I was able to add Miracle blanket on my facebook as well as become a follower of your blog too!

  7. I'm having a little boy in 4 weeks and I've heard so much about these blankets that I just had to enter!
    (i'm now an even more loyal follower and like them on facebook.)

  8. This has been my go-to shower gift a few times. New parents really do love these. I have two new nieces/nephews coming this spring! I'd love to win one for either of them.

  9. I am a follower of your blog! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  10. I have a four month old and I would love to have one of these blankets. I became a fan of them on FB and I follow you through google reader!


  11. I have no baby--but I still want it! & I am a google follower. :)

  12. i will be having my 6th! I would love it if this one slept once in a while...unlike all my others! maybe this will be a miracle blanket

  13. follow them on FB

  14. GFC follower-1

  15. GFC follower-2

  16. GFC follower-3

  17. GFC follower-4

  18. GFC follower-5

  19. i need a miracle blanket b/c mine is worn out after lending it to all of my new mommy friends. now i'm due in feb with #4 and need a new one :)

  20. I have an almost 3-month old who has learned to escape a regular swaddle blanket, so would love a Miracle Blanket!

  21. I follow Miracle Blanket on Facebook - Erika B

    I would love to win this because we are expecting our 4th baby (our 3rd boy!) in January and our current Miracle Blanket - which we absolutely LOVE - is PINK, so it would be wonderful to get a more boyish color like the Sky Blue or Green with blue trim!
    Thanks! :)

  22. I follow you with Google Friend Connect & subscribe to you with Google Reader! Thanks!

  23. I follow you with Google Friend Connect & subscribe to you with Google Reader! Thanks!

  24. I follow you with Google Friend Connect & subscribe to you with Google Reader! Thanks!

  25. I follow you with Google Friend Connect & subscribe to you with Google Reader! Thanks!

  26. I follow you with Google Friend Connect & subscribe to you with Google Reader! Thanks!

  27. I would love to win this because we're expecting our 4th baby (3rd boy) in January and our current much-loved Miracle Blanket is PINK. So it would be wonderful to get a blue color for our new little guy! Thanks so much!

  28. I totally want one of these blankets! I don't have a dire need for one this minute, but I really want one for when the next kiddo comes around. I'm been your follower for a LONG time! (6 entries for me please!) And I miss you like crazy! Does that get an extra entry ;)

  29. I would love to have a Miracle Blanket for my SIL's baby that will be here in February. I would love to baby to be as cozy and sleep as best as they can when he/she is born. Thanks for the chance.

  30. I'd love a new miracle blanket for my newest baby. I used them for my twins and they work wonders! I follow on facebook and twitter.

    Lindsay Moreno

  31. I am a fan of Miracle Blanket on Facebook (1); I just became of follower of your blog (5); and as for why I need the blanket.

    My boy is 2-1/2 months old and is such a Houdini when it comes to escaping his blankets. He's so close to sleeping through the night consistently and I think this blanket could be the item I need, but with having unpaid maternity leave, we just can't afford to buy one ourselves. Winning one would be such a blessing.

  32. I am a fan of Miracle Blanket on FB and am following you on my google reader.

    I need one for my newborn baby boy. His older sister (2 1/12) still doesn't sleep through the night and I'd love to get him in one of these so at least I'd only have 1 child up so much at night :)

  33. I love how you do yoru giveaways (it's always such a pain to do so many comments - lol!)
    Anyway, I like miracle blankets on FB; I follow your blog on GFC; I would love to win this for my SIL who is preggo right now. I had one for my 3 little kids and couldnt' live w/o it (but gave it a friend of mine) - so I want my SIL to enjoy the benefits I did w/ it :)

  34. I'm a FB fan of Miracle Blanket :)

    jbuccigross at gmail dot com

  35. I would love to win one of these blankets to give to my SIL as a gift as she is expecting her first baby and I know how wonderful these blankets work with new babies!! :) She would love it!

    jbuccigross at gmail dot com

  36. I favorited the Miracle Blanket facebook page.

    I need this blanket because we are having baby #2 in a few months and never did get the swaddling thing down with the first one. Having such a great tool will definitely help with this one I'm sure!

  37. ok so i became a fan on FB, i follow your blog, AND i should win because...hmmmm, which reason should i say? i just had baby #5 and he ISN'T sleeping very well so i really need a miracle ;) you can't nap when your baby does during the day when you have 4 other kids so you need a good nights sleep!!! thanks!


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