
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Valentine Love Message Blocks + Valentine Decor

I know it has been slow-n-go on this bloggy here lately. But finally I am getting time to post something! {yay!}
I have blocks for everything-autumn, spring, summer, baby, etc. - and was kind of bored with blocks- until I saw a few cute versions of Valentine Blocks out in the blog/internet world.
(Here and here are two great ideas for this craft-thanks for the inspiration ladies!)

 Instead of using vinyl, I just printed the font on scrapbook paper. We had the wood in the garage, and my sweet husband cut 3 inch squares for me. The font is called smiley monster, and I used size 48. I played around with different fonts, but I ended up using the same one my friend Erica used on her blocks. :)  I used modge podge to attach the papers- just like I did with these spring blocks.

The best part about this little craft is... IT WAS FREE!! Anyone locally, want to come make some? I don't even think we bought the wood. :) And the scrapbook paper- I have had forever. You can't beat a free cute craft! These would make great gifts- for family and friends too.

And just for fun, here are a few Valentine's Decorations from this year:

I made these a few years ago- I think. I did some very thrifty Valentine's Day Decor one year-and these were the splurge part. Yep- I was being very thrifty.  

 I put my OXOX in front of the family canvas photo. Do you have a canvas photo yet? These seem to be everywhere- I got this one for like $40 from Canvas on Demand, and it is pretty large. I love that Costco makes them now-and has great prices, and you can almost always find a great deal from Canvas People. Right now Canvas People has at least 25% off plus free shipping. I actually have a few more canvas photos on order :)  Just doing some decorating...nothing fancy-mostly thrifty!

Well this post took me an hour. Yep, such is the life with 3 small crazy boys running around. Just keeping it real....I'm a mom first and somedays it is not an easy job. ☻Hopefully I can get the time to post a few more things I have had finished for a while... 
Hope you are having a great end to January!

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  1. super cute! i'm tempted to make some more :)

  2. not sure how you can finish any craft project with 3 little boys. i've only got one, and i need to wait until he's fast asleep (at night) to get anything done at all! love the pottery barn-like frames by the way.

  3. LOVE the blocks! I am wishing I was your neighbor! :) Did you cut the letters out by hand or use one of the fancy machines out?

    I might just have to give this a try. Thank you for sharing.

  4. @ Jen- The lettering is just a font off the computer printed on scrapbook paper, and modge podged to the block. :) You could print it on any kind of paper. Have Fun!

  5. I love the font on the blocks - what is it?

    You have such great ideas, thanks for sharing!

  6. Jennifer- the font is smiley monster. I can't take credit for this one- Erica inspired me- and even picked the cute font :)


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