
Friday, February 11, 2011

Last Minute Valentine's Idea-100 Things I Love About...{YOU}

 This is one of those crafts from the past- that perhaps you have already made- - years ago. However, I think it is one of those that still has some charm, - even years later. {these pics are blurry on purpose- to preserve some privacy}
To Make:
1. Think of 100 things and list you love about your spouse, your family, growing up a {insert last name}, your grandparents, your child, etc. These could be anything from traits about the person, places, events, activities, etc. 
2. Make a list, and then type them in a variety of different fonts, different sizes. Make one that is larger that has the title-example-- "100 things I love about Grandpa and Grandma......"
3.Pick a color scheme- use about 3 colors.
4.Using some 12 by 12 scrapbook paper as a base, layer at least 2 sheets- cutting the top sheet down 1/4 of an inch on both sides. I then stitched the two sheets together-using my sewing machine.
5. Next, you will need lots of charms, small items to add that personalize your 100 things. You can find these at scrapbook stores, or even small sewing notions- like buttons,etc. might work.
6. Cut up your 100 things. I inked the edges of many of them.
7. Start compiling your 100 things. Lay it out and arrange it so it is just how you like it. Then you are ready to glue it all down. I believe I used a glue stick, and glue dots for the charms.
8. Frame! Find a 12 by 12 frame, frame it, and give it as a very thoughtful Valentine's gift. This works for any occasion-of course- but I thought I would share it with you! It has been treasured for many years by grandparents, great-grandparents, and my husband.
Have Fun!

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1 comment:

  1. Just stopping by to say happy valentines day to one my favorite bogs!! Sending you lotsa love today Jennifer from Just Wedeminute!


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