
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

More End Table Makeovers {in yellow....again}

Remember this lovely little thrift store table?  I liked it and could not find another octogon end table- for the life of I settled for some others.
Here is the first one:
This one cost $6 at a local thrift store. The top was a solid slab of marble, but the corner was chipped. This was PINK. The entire thing was pink, and I forgot to take before photos. :)
I plan to glaze it, so it looks like the other one, but alas, I haven't done it yet. We turned the marble over, and painted it black with chalkboard paint.

I like it, but think it needs the glaze to add a little something. My youngest thinks the top is a great place to drive his cars. {hee hee}
Here is the other one:

 This one was $8 from a local thrift store. It was a oak color, and I did take before pics, but now it is a matter of finding them! We used the same yellow paint. I re-did the top several times, and think I will keep it just yellow- while the legs and sides have been glazed. {I'm not the best with the glaze- it seriously is messy stuff and takes some practice :)}
I bought this one because I really liked the detail on the sides. I still like it.
So...none of my end tables match- but they are all the same color. And they were all thrifted! {yay for that}
Here is the thing about decorating.... I change my mind a lot. But I just don't have the energy- since I'm no spring chicken this pregnancy- and so it will just have to do for now. BUT... I am working on adding a few other things around here- just trying to figure out my style- or lack of style- or whatever it is--- Anyway- it is a fun process! I'm thinking of slipcovering my sofas. I kind of want some white in the room. It feels a little dark. Not sure if I want to try this though- but wow- it looks so good! I am loving it.

Thanks for reading! And thanks for hanging in there while my posting is so-so these days!
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  1. i love the yellow! I never would have thought to paint my end tables that color...I'm so stuck on painting everything black...but I love it! You've inspired me to step outside that stinkin' box i'm stuck in! Thanks!

  2. I love them! Great job putting red and yellow together


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