
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Surgery for our Youngest

There is no doubt that blogging has not been a priority of mine the last several months. For you avid blog readers, I apologize. I have a list projects/things I could blog about-I have a ton of photos of recipes, decorating,  ideas, kids projects that I have not blogged, because I have other priorities these days. So I apologize....but you know there are 5 million other bloggers out there blogging cool things everyday. It just isn't me these days. Family first. End of story. 
On top of being pregnant, teaching preschool, and taking care of the family, we are headed to surgery #2 for this little guy. It is a big one this time, and I'm hoping it goes well. Thinking about what he will have to go through, makes me sick. Like any mother who loves her kids, I hate seeing my kids suffer. We had someone arranged to watch our  other kids and now at the last minute, with plans changing, we are frantically trying to figure that out too. So we have our hands full.
Anyway, thanks for reading, commenting, and supporting me in my "creative" efforts.
Wish us all luck- hoping everything ends up going well for our little guy.

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  1. Family first... no excuses or justification needed nor expected!

    Wishing you and your family all the best and hope the surgery goes well and that the next blog post is a quick one to say "All good"


  2. I am soooo sorry to hear about your yungest. I have children and I know exactly what you are going through. Family should always be first, so never apoligize for that. I think you are great!!!
    I just started a new website that I wanted to introduce at
    I hope you and your friends will visit soon and leave a message on my blog.
    I wish you the very best.....

  3. I'm so sorry. I've recently watched as two different friends have had difficult family times, an unexpected surgery, a broken wrist, and more. I've offered help and wished I could help but have been able to do very little. Don't be afraid to ask for help and be specific about what you really need. (Shopping, Meals, Babysitting, or whatever would be the most helpful.) You know you would help them if they asked so don't hesitate! Our prayers are with your son and your family.

  4. sorry that you are going through so much right now...i hope that your sons surgery goes well.

  5. Family does come first. I will say a prayer for your little family. Good luck with everything....

  6. Hang in there Sharla! You are one strong momma! Take care of yourself and your sweet family-

  7. Family first, I too agree!! Thinking of your little one and your family during this time of surgery and recovery.

  8. That adorable little boy and his family will be in my prayers. All the best to you.

  9. I know what it's like to have one of you kids go through surgery. It's scary. I hope everything goes well and he has a fast recovery.

  10. My little girl had a surgery when she was two and a half.
    Our faith and many prayers made us stronger. She is ok now, with some limitations. We thank the Lord every day.
    I understand how you feel and send
    my best wishes and prayers for him and your family.
    Ana Paula.

  11. You are right. Family ALWAYS exceptions! I'll keep your son, your family and you in my prayers!

  12. I don't know how I missed this when you posted it, but I hope all is going well for him (and you) now that the surgery is over. Good luck with the days to come and I hope you're feeling alright and up to all you have to do while pregnant!


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