
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dinosaur Activities for Preschoolers and Young Children

We had a fun week of Dinosaur Activities! Here are just a  few things we did.
We made dinosaur feet using foam sheets and stickers, and pipe cleaners. (note: washable markers and foam sheets don't mix.)

 We had so much fun stomping around to We Are The Dinosaurs by Laurie Berkner.

You have got to see these cute dinosaur tales! I have to make these- my kids would love them! Next year we'll add the tails to the mix- so cute!  (photo from Running with Scissors)
We used toy dinosaurs to  make dinosaur fossils from playdough. We pressed their feet into the playdough.

When we were done, it looked like a fossil!  (The kids took the playdough home for fun later.)

Here are some of the dinosaur books we read:
(sorry the pictures are not the clearest- if you can't read the author/title- please let me know!)




We also made a fun T-Rex Dinosaur Puppet. I made the blackline for this. (for personal use only- click on it; open in new tab, save on your computer, and print in 8 by 11 format )

Here is one of my own little dinosaurs- asleep. I found his hat at the dollar store- and I really wish I would have picked up more of them! I'll be on the lookout for these- if you see them somewhere- please let me know. :)

Have Fun!
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  1. Looks like so much fun! We love the How do dinosaurs.... book series. My son has to read one of them every night!

  2. Hello, you might want to check out the free dinosaur colouring pages taken from my children's books, Dinosaur Roar, Swamp Stomp and Ten Terrible Dinosaurs Free dinosaur colouring pages. More dinosaur goodies at my Dinosaur Store! Best wishes and a big Roar!!! Paul Stickland


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