
Friday, March 11, 2011


I would love to post a bunch of fun crafty-happy-fun-exciting- stuff....but my heart is heavy for those in Japan, and all those affected by this tragedy. I have heard it reached all the way to the West Coast of the U.S.

 I don't feel like it is the right day for those posts. ♥

Seems like there is a lot of tragedy in the world lately. A.LOT.

Staying home with my babies and hugging them a lot. ♥

Counting my Blessings. ♥

Sending Prayers for all those affected♥♥♥

Life is just too short and precious.

**Shabby Apple Give-a-way Here.**

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1 comment:

  1. I too am very sad about this. My in-laws live on the Oregon coast. They were on tsunami warning and had to go up in the hills. Crazy times!


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