
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Layered Smore Bars & Shabby Apple Dress WINNER!

I have a great recipe for you today for Sweets on Sunday! But is the winner of the Shabby Apple  Dress Give-a-way! A big thanks to Shabby Apple for the give-a-way- and to everyone who entered! For all who did not win, there are a few fun give-a-ways in the works, so stay tuned!

According to Random. org the winner is CRYSTAL
who said:
"I follow your blog and I liked Shabby Apple on FB."  
Please email me your contact info so I can get you your cute new dress!
little gems crafts {at} gmail {dot} com

If you would like to purchase a Shabby Apple Dress remember, to use the discount code
to save 10%. Make sure to check out their site for other special offers and sales too!

Here is your Sweets on Sunday recipe. This one I sort-of made up - using my Seven Layer Bars Recipe.
I just changed a few ingredients so it was more like a smore.
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any weight gained due to the consumption of these in large quantities. ha ha ha! That is how good these were....
Layered Smore Bars

 1 cup Graham Cracker crumbs (about 16 squares)
 1/2 cup Butter or margarine, melted in pan
 1/2-1 cup Shredded coconut (optional)
1 cup Milk Chocolate chips
 1 cup Semi-Sweet Chocolate chips
1 can sweetened condensed milk (14 oz)
mini marshmallows (enough to cover the top of the cookie pan)

Melt butter in a 9 by 13 inch pan. Sprinkle the graham cracker crumbs and coconut in to the butter. Mix and pat into the pan to form a crust. Top with both kinds of chocolate chips. Pour the can of milk over the top. Bake at 350 for 23-28 minutes, or until the edges are brown and it is bubbly. Take out and pour the marshmallows on top while it is hot and bubbly.
Let cool completely before cutting.
(note: mine was much easier to cut into squares when it was completely cooled. It can still be pretty messy to cut, so cut carefully. Using a small spatula worked best for me.)


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  1. These pictures are just down right unfair!!! I am seriously salivating right now!! I WILL be trying these!

  2. You were featured today at Today's Top 20! I'd love if you stopped by!



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