
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Baby Boy 4 and his darn kidney

(photo credit- my friend Margie)
I have not been meaning to neglect this blog. I have about a dozen things I need to post.
But this baby boy has taken my time and priority, and it looks like he will continue to take more of my time.
We thought we might be getting a "break" this time, but our 4th boy, has some kidney issue. This is the 3rd of our 4 kids, to have something like this. (we have to get one child still checked out...)
It means lots of trips to the specialist- which is 140 miles away; antibiotics, testing, and possibly surgery.
We just finished doing all of that with our 2 year old.
So if you see me on here only sporadically, please know that is why, and I shall return with exciting and fun posts shortly! For now, I am just posting when I feel up to it- however- I do have 2 little give-a-ways that really need to be posted soon!  Thanks for reading and being my blog bff's!! So wish I could meet so many of you in real life-- maybe someday :) I love reading your posts, and connecting with you through pinterest!

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  1. I'm so sorry! I wish we lived by each other so I could help you out.

  2. Sorry to hear that your newest little one is having problems. Hopefully, it can all be resolved quickly with as little to no stress as possible. Fingers crossed that there are no issues with your other boy. Newest one is adorable! Congrats.

  3. Oh, no! Praying for ALL of your little Munchkins! You are spending your time where you SHOULD be spending it! You're a good Momma! =)

  4. He is just SO beautiful Sharla! So sorry you are have difficulties. Even though you might feel like a pro at this stuff by now, I'm sure it doesn't get any easier emotionally. We'll be thinking about your darling family. Congratulations!

  5. I wish ou all the best for your little family and especially for this news lovelly little kid ! hope he will get better soon !
    hugs and kisses from France.


  6. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. No fun having to deal with medical things on a newborn. just remember to take care of yourself first

  7. I just came across your blog tonight. I'm so sorry to hear this news. My prayers are going to be sent your way and to your little one. He is sooo cute.


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