
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy Fourth of July Weekend!

 Happy 4th of July Weekend! I didn't entirely forget about the 4th- even if my husband only gets today off and has to work the entire weekend. :( I did whip of a festive wreath- with fabric scraps, hot glue, and Scrabble tiles. I picked up the felted stars at JoAnn's (6 for $1).
{Blogger was giving me a problem this week- so I lost some of the things I planned to post and have to start over...sorry. darn blogger.}

Most of today will be spent doing this:
I have a really incredible husband! We are painting today....and having a family BBQ!
Hope you all have a great 4th of July Celebration!
I'll be back next week with lots of fun stuff....just in time for baby to arrive!
Thanks for reading! oxoxo
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