
Wednesday, July 6, 2011


In the next few days, we have a family funeral, and we will also be having our fourth baby boy- who also has a slight kidney problem. Seeing "life" happen, makes me realize how much more we need HOPE in this world.  Having hope, makes everything in our lives better. This is a short message on HOPE. Take time to watch it- and find more hope in your own life. Thanks for reading. oxoxo

HERE is the link. (I could not figure out how to post the video without it starting automatically, so I removed it and just linked it.)


  1. I HOPE everything goes smoothly for you. Thanks for the message, I was in need of some hope today.

  2. I have the energy and strength to make it through the next little bit. I love hearing about your latest adventures.
    A mom of three boys

  3. I love this song. Hilary performed it at last years TOFW. At that time, my dad was fighting a grade 4 brain tumor and this song gave us hope to get through the last few days of his life. Thank you for this reminder. My hope is that your family wil feel the hand of the Savior through the following week.


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