
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Deseret Book-LDS- CD Give-a-way {2 New CD's-Jenny Oaks Baker & Live What I Know}

I'm always looking for good music- especially music appropriate for Sundays.
This one is a keeper! (While these CD's are from Deseret Book- an LDS/Christian company, these are appropriate for anyone- especially if you love some Disney tunes!)
Jenny Oaks Baker teams up with Emmy-award winning Kurt Bestor, to play some of our favorite Disney songs.  Jenny Oaks Baker is an amazing violinist, and every song on this CD, is beautiful!
To listen and have a sneak peek, click here.

Live What I Know is a new CD focusing on the Young Women Values, and features some of my favorite LDS artists. This CD features Hilary Weeks, Cherie Call, and Carmen Rasmusen Herbert (an American Idol finalist) among others.
 To read more and listen to samples, click here.

I have sampled both of these CD's and love them both! The one by Jenny Oaks Baker has become a favorite for my children also. I love hearing them name the Disney tune!

Want to win a copy for yourself?
Leave a comment and a way for me to contact you!
(Of course I'd be flattered if you were a lovely blog follower, but it is not required.)
Give-a-way goes until this Sunday, September 4th, at midnight, P.S.T.
Thanks for reading!
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  1. I hope by being the first to comment it doesn't ruin my chances!! I would love either of these (or both) cds.

  2. You are amazing! I love finding good music!

    Thanks for a fun drawing!

  3. I always love your give-a-ways! Count me in for sure!!! You know that I'm follower! ;)

  4. I always am looking for good music too! I'm a follower of your blog too. My email is connected to my profile. :)

  5. I would love to win these CD's. My daughters would love them! Thanks:)

  6. Oh, I would love some new uplifting music to set the tone in my home...especially on Sundays! I hope I win!

  7. Oh it's always nice to have beautiful music to play at home Sundays and every other day. If I win my email is

  8. I LOVE your blog and am now a follower! I peek in on you while looking at the blog, bitty bits and pieces. I love great music!!

  9. I too am always on the hunt for good music. With Devon starting to pick on on EVERYTHING that is said whither on the radio or around town I am learning how important it is to always have good things playing. I would love to win. It would be a great birthday surprise!

  10. I am a lovely follower and I LOVE this giveaway. We are avid Disney music listeners around here so it would be nice to have some more options and I always love good church music. Heck if we don't win, I'll probably buy them myself, you'll just save me some money;)

  11. I love love love good music. I so need this. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  12. I have really been wanting the Jenny Oaks Baker CD. My girls would so love that! :)

  13. I was looking at the Jenny Oaks Baker one the other day, but I was feeling frugal. :) campbellcolette at gmail

  14. I came across you blog about a year ago when I googled "pipe cleaner spiders" (I think). Been looking at it ever since. It's easy to want to follow you. Love your great ideas and love this give-a-way!

  15. I love Disney and Jenny Oaks Baker! I have this on my wishlist! I'm a follower too!

  16. I'm always looking for fun music the boys will actually want to listen too. These are great!

  17. I'm always looking for fun music the boys will actually want to listen too. These are great!

  18. My boys make me laugh when they hear the church music playing and they say, "Is it Sunday, again?" Some new music may just perk up the household. Thanks for the give-away! I love following your blog!
    mindygull (at) gmail (dot) com

  19. I would LOVE to win a copy! How are you feeling these days? I was so glad to hear baby Nolan is doing a wee bit better. Whew. :)

  20. Wow, what great cds! I "need" them both. :) My little kids all go to sleep listening to music and the Disney one would be wonderful for that. Plus, I'm always trying to find something my two older girls will listen to, especially on Sunday's, this would be perfect. I'm a follower of yours, too. Thanks for a chance to win!

  21. Did you know my symphony just played all the songs from that CD with Jenny Oaks Baker in concert? It was fun.


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