
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Give-a-way: Hilary Weeks NEW CD Every Step

Hilary Weeks has a new CD coming out this week! And it is a great one! I love her messages and music so I was thrilled when Deseret Book/Shadow Mountain Records allowed me to review it.
Years ago, I was her daughter's school choir teacher. Hilary, a music professional, paid me the nicest compliments. She is very genuine, which comes across in her music as well.

This CD, Every Step, features new songs written by Hilary. This CD is available on October 25th, to purchase.  The message of these songs definitely brighten your outlook on life, and lift your spirit! What mom or woman doesn't need that?  The sound is great, as she recorded this with all star musicians in Nashville.
I think it is her best album yet! You will love it.

Leave a comment here, and let me know why you should win!
Give-a-way goes until WED. OCT. 26th at midnight, P.S.T.  
*You must contact me within 48 hours of winning or I will pick a new winner.
All opinions are 100% mine. I did not receive any compensation for this give-a-way, but I did get to sample this CD.
Thanks for reading!  Good Luck!
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  1. I should win because I do not own a CD by Hilary Weeks and would love one! :) Spiritual music is something I should play more often.

  2. I love Hilary Weeks!! I have a couple of her CDs already, but I always need more!

  3. Oh I would love to win this. I just had my second child and being home all the time, we could use some good music to listen to! :)

  4. I'd love to win. We were once seated at the same table at an event but I was too nervous to say much!

  5. I love Hilary Weeks! I would love to win this!

    sims.whitney at

  6. I would love to win! I love inspirational music and I need to play it more often in my home!!!

  7. I would love to win cuz I really would love more LDS music in my home but can't afford it. Any who I hope I win! :)

  8. I should win simply because I never ever win anything. I've got the worst luck any girl could have.

  9. I would love to listen to a cd by Hilary Weeks. I do not own one, and would love a new inspiring uplifting CD!!
    lizzers26 at gmail dot com

  10. I love Mindy! I've seen her at What Wome Want several times. I missed it this year :( dange kids and all the dental work we had to do, but it's a good thing their worth it! I would love to win it! Thanks Sharla!

  11. I should win because I just moved across the country. I have no family or friends around and I could really use some good music to brighten my days!

  12. I LOVE, LOVE Hilary Weeks music. She is go to cd when life gets tough!

  13. Oh pick me i would love to win. I am going to time out for women in like 2 weeks and i'm pretty sure she is going to be there, how great would that be to listen to her music in preparation!
    tiffern99 at gmail dot com

  14. I love Hillary Weeks! How intimidating to be her dd's music teacher though! I'm impressed by you! :)

  15. I would love to win this cd. My mom and I got to meet Hilary last year at Time Out for Women not knowing that only ten days later my dad would pass away from a brain tumor he was diagnosed with in Feb 2011. The two songs of hers I play ALL THE TIME are "If I Only Had Today" and "Just Let Me Cry". This CD would be the perfect gift for my mom. Thanks for the chance.

  16. Aww we all meet again. I don't not yet own any of Hillary Weeks' CD's but I love what I have heard and have been wanting to buy one or two but haven't had the chance. With all the craziness of having 2 boys it is hard to find peace in this house most days. I find that I am always turning to music to change my mood and attitude around. I would love to win this cause lets face it as a mom I don't get many chances to buy things for myself these days.

  17. Hillary Weeks grew up in Alaska where my husband grew up too! I guess that's reason enough to win, right? :) I do love her music and have enjoyed her as a guest at TOFW a couple of times. She is just a beautiful person. Thanks for the chance to win!


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