
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Crafting with Kids: Turkey Craft using Textures, & Cardboard Tubes

Is Thanksgiving really next week? I have almost skipped it this year. Not that I am not THANKFUL...I have skipped it in "blog land" trying to enjoy my children who are growing up so quickly!
This was a little turkey craft we did in preschool and I thought I would share it with you. Whenever I can, I try to combine at least two things in preschool. So we talked about textures and make a little turkey using different textures. The front is sandpaper, with felt pieces and googly eyes. We attached that do a cardboard tube (1/2 of a TP roll). For the feathers, we used coffee filters. Instead of markers, we colored them with crayons, since we had made the turkey with coffee filter craft before. That was it. I attached everything usinga  stapler or glue.  This was a cute craft because it can stand up all by itself! The kids enjoyed it!
Happy Thanksgiving!

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