
Saturday, January 28, 2012

11 Favorite Gems from 2011 {project posts}

*I started this post a month ago. This has not been the month for "wellness" in our household...Needless to say, I have been busy. Plus I was kind of burned out after Christmas. Let's hope February is a better month!*

One of the reasons I love keeping this little blog, is because it is fun to look back and see what you learned and what you were able to create- among all the craziness of raising children.  So -for my sake- and in case you missed it- here are my favorite 11 projects from 2011-in no particular order. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  (I'll share my favorite recipe & food finds later.)

( One of my blog goals  for 2012 is to get to know my readers better ! I'd love to see your favorite projects- leave me a comment and I'll come visit :))


  1. Awesome stuff!!

    Just a heads up, you left out the link of the Toy Story party.

  2. Hey Katy- it is there- next to the Lego B'day Party- It looks like one link, but it is separated. Look closely :) I probably should have placed it by the photo but I placed it by the #. thanks for reading :)

  3. Great projects Sharla! I have my yardsticks all ready, just waiting for Ikea to get the spice racks back in stock. I need them for my girls' playroom & for my preschool. Thanks for the great ideas! And I think I will make a tote bag with the crayons on the outside sometime soon - I need something my girls can carry by themselves at church.



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