
Monday, February 13, 2012

Last Minute Valentine Ideas for Kids

I am up planning my preschool Valentine's Day party- so I thought I would hurry and share a few ideas with you- even though you probably already have your plans for tomorrow done. BUT you can "PIN IT" for next year. ha ha ha. (We all know pinning is the thing...) These are things I did with what I had on hand at home. I had a list of stuff to buy at the store and make- but decided to just use what we had already.

 These crayons are nothing new. But kids love crayons- and when they are in heart shapes with rainbow colors- they love them even more. The first few things here I put in little baggies for my Valentine to my preschoolers.
 Last year I made chocolate playdough- which smells delicious but looks grose. This year I had Valentine colored playdough already- so I just taped a little heart paper around it- so now it is Valentine playdough. The boys will just have to deal w/ the colors- cause these are the colors of the holiday.
 My kids are constantly getting in my pipecleaners, so we are always making things out of them. I found this idea on Make-n-Takes. To make it go further, I used these to tie the treat bags- which contained the above items and a little candy.
 I love this! I made snowflakes last year out of cardboard tubes- and so I was playing around with them today- and made it into a heart. No tape- just crease it in the shape of a heart and ta-da!
 We all love a good collage. We will be doing this one for our party- using cut up Valentine's Day tissue paper- from the dollar store.
 I saw this idea in Family Fun Magazine- but they had painted the doily on a t-shirt- and it turned out very cute! I will not be doing this one-cause I have to tell you- it is messy~! And preschoolers are already messy! This would be fun with older kids.
 Use up your leftover candy canes to decorate cookies- with heart shapes. You can melt candy canes together to form a heart too.

Happy Valentine's Day! My kids think this is the "best day ever" -- next to Christmas. Silly kids~!

And lastly, I came across this message on my blog from September 2009. I think it is perfect for Valentine's Day.

thanks for reading! Make sure to tell the people that matter most to you that you love them!
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