
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My "Popular" Post on Pinterest {St. Patricks Day Treat}

So back in the day when I blogged almost everyday, I made this post one day. It only has 7 comments...BUT... I have found it sprayed all over pinterest. 57 repins here, 47 repins there, 39 over here, etc. etc. It kind of cracks me up! Cause one day I just made it up--because I had a bad of green M&M's I bought on clearance after Christmas...and wanted to do a pretzel treat. Nothing special. I never thought this post was anything special either. Apparently to "pinners..." it is worth pinning. I did find this post on pinterest- with something very similiar and she actually provides a ton of ideas on covering pretzels &
instructions on how to cover  pretzels with chocolate- which I could actually use- because I have been very unsuccessful in that department many times. Except this post apparently...
I feel a little "Pinterest Fame" cause I made somethin' with pretzels and chocolate one day, about 2 years ago. - ha ha ha. Anyway check it out if  you are pinner...and laugh with me. If you want my autograph, I will totally hook you up.

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1 comment:

  1. Love this post! I used to blog regularly and can relate to this, my first "hit" was a st.patty's day treat that I thee together and never really thought twice about! And this is too funny b/c I just pinned these!


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