
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Crafting with Kids: Puffy Ghost {using shaving cream paint}

 I know Halloween is in a few days, but I'm going to attempt to finish posting the fun Halloween stuff we have done this a few days. These ghosts were so much fun! We made these using paint we made mixing shaving cream and Elmer's Glue.
You need:
Heavy paper (we used grocery bags)
3 parts shaving cream to one part Elmer's school glue (just regular glue)
**or measure 3/4 cup shaving cream and 1/4 cup glue - I did not measure- just looked at it and judged the amount and it worked fine.
Sponge brushes
Mix the glue and shaving cream. Apply to ghost shape. You can add eyes and mouth at that time and most of them will stick. A few will not stick and will need to be glued on later.
Allow to dry all the way. Your ghosts will be smooth and velvety soft!

This was so fun- a little messy- but it is mostly shaving cream-so it washes up very easily. When these are dry they are so so soft!  Have Fun!
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1 comment:

  1. Cute, cute! I hadn't heard of this paint before. I can't wait to try this - thanks for the idea!


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