
Friday, November 9, 2012

WINNER of $50 from Tiny Prints!

K people...only 9 people entered? It is $50! One thing I love about Tiny Prints, is that you don't have to order 50 cards! You can order as little as 10 cards and get some really nice ones!

Anyway- the winner- using, was

I love the Sweetful Christmas!!
Congrats Lindsey! Send me your email and the good people over at Tiny Prints will send you a code for $50!
Thanks everyone for entering!! I hope you all find some great Christmas Cards!
I've been in a blogging funk...and so if I blog less, there are just other things I would rather be doing. I'll still be sharing recipes, crafts, and projects with you!-just probably not as often as I used to... Thanks for reading!

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