
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ric-Rac Burlap Christmas Trees

Is it Christmas Time already?? I am so not ready for the madness. This year I really want to sit back and watch lots of Hallmark and ABC Family  Christmas shows...and sip some cocoa with my kids. But I do have a few projects I want to finish this year....first up my little colorful centerpiece....
 I have seen lots of super cute Styrofoam cones turned into adorable trees. Here is my super easy and quick- not at all perfect trees.

Here is what I did:
Ric-Rac Burlap Trees
You need:
burlap scraps
Styrofoam cones  Tip: get the Styrofoam cones- not the green ones used for floral arrangements.
ric-rac and ball fringe scraps {I tried to find more ball fringe...but I have to drive 40 miles to get what I had on hand had to do}
hot glue
straight pins
 I just hot glued some burlap scraps to the cones. I knew I was covering it up with ric-rac and some scrap ball fringe, so it did not need to be perfect. I'm sure there was a better way to glue on the burlap, but I did not care as long as it was on there. :)
Next, I hot glued some ric-rac. One some I cut it in pieces, and on others, I actually just pinned it on using straight pins. I tried to match the color of the head of the pin to the ric-rac so you can't see it as much. That was it!

I found some small ornament balls at Target, in the dollar section, and threw those on the tray along with some other beads I had. I know the colors are all over the place- no color scheme here- but it is pretty and bright and makes me happy. See the old table runner- I am finally making the throw quilt from the same fabric line- that I started like...4 years ago. I think it may be time to go on a fabric buying fast. I love this fabric line.. {Merry & Bright by Moda Fabrics}....which is discontinued of course.

I hope you are enjoying the holiday season and having fun making or doing something enjoyable!

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