
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Easy Valentine's Day Ideas

Um I know Valentine's Day is tomorrow. So I thought I'd share a few things we did this year that are quick and easy- before Valentine's Day has passed.

 So easy to make. You can see my St. Patrick's version here with detailed instructions.I mostly put white chocolate chips- 3 or 4 on the square pretzels, and a little cluster on the regular shaped pretzels, and then when they were slightly melted in the oven, I took them out and pressed in the M&Ms. Great neighbor or teacher gift.
 Kleenex boxes make the easiest Valentine Boxes. In the past I have used oatmeal canisters, but this worked just as well and was easier to come by when you need 10 at once. The hole is already cut for you. We just covered them in white paper, cut the paper part out where the hole already was, and let the kids decorate them.
 Did anyone else see these cute heart candles at IKEA? I thought they were cute so bought a few and ended up giving them to friends, with the pretzels.
 I had this old string of heart lights, I had tied fabric scraps on, and had it for years. Well the lights stopped lighting up. So I turned it into a wreath. The yarn came from the thrift store, and I had just enough, then I just put the garland lights around it in a bunch. The chord is still there if I ever want to fix the lights and change this into something else.
Our family has a fun tradition that came from my husband's family. Every year, for Valentine's we have a "LOVE DINNER". Everyone in the family picks one or two items- depending on how many people are in your family, and that is what we eat for dinner. My kids wrote this, and as you can see, they like pasta and pizza. I just want good Mexican. It should be fun!

I hope you have a day filled with LOVE!
Here are some other Valentine's posts:
Handy Valentine Card
Star Wars Valentine Box

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