
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Things I am Lovin'

I will admit, I haven't been able to keep this blog going as much as I used to. The big reason, besides time, is my health. I am more tired than I have ever been in my life, to the point that I have very little energy except for taking care of the necessary. I am in the process of seeing doctors and trying to figure out what is going on. If I'm lucky, it will just be a lack of sleep and the fact that I need to lose some weight. :) But instead of dwelling on that, I have been trying to find things to be grateful for and find joy in. So... here are a few things from January that kept me feeling happy and hopeful.
{if you follow me on instagram...some of this is a repeat.}

Don't you sometimes go to Target and wish you had a lot of time and money to redecorate your house? I do...
 We have been trying to be outside more often since we have such nice weather. Yesterday, I took my 4 boys on a 2 mile walk. They did great!
 Making some Valentine's Decorations...and trying to figure out how to display them.

 I only bought the above book a year ago...and am finally reading it. REALLY good series so far.
 Since we get so much sunshine, rain, or even just a cloudy day is a very welcome site. And what a pretty rainbow over our neighborhood!
 Finally did it.- He is about 18 months, and after trying to just trim the bangs so he could see, I finally just cut it off! He is a very handsome little man now!
 This photo is not edited. Another pretty site from my kitchen window!
 I recently got into the whole coconut oil thing- even though I may have an allergy to it- (another story there) - and these little gems are so tasty- from Trader Joe's. Pretty much everything there is tasty...
 I know you UT folks are sick of snow, but seeing our mountains sprinkled with the white stuff is so fun! We love a little dusting of snow every now and then! So fun!
 I am in love with this fabric collection- Vintage Modern by Bonnie and Camille for Moda. I love it- but it is a little girly for a house full of boys. {sigh} I think it is perfect for Valentine's Day though.
And how can I leave out the weather? Despite the fact that I recently found out that I am allergic to everything growing in my  yard and neighborhood, I really love being outside at this time of year!
I hope you enjoy the Superbowl....and have a Happy Sunday!
Thanks for sticking with me!

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