
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter! {& last minute DIY bow ties}

Hope you had a great Easter! Things have been crazy this last case you couldn't tell by my lack of posts. We didn't even dye Easter eggs yet. Oh well, there is always tomorrow. Here's to hoping April is a lot better for us than March was!

 I did manage to whip up some very imperfect bow ties for two little guys who have been asking me for one for a while.
Thanks for reading, and I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Day!

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  1. Cute bow ties and ADORABLE boys! I like to make dresses for my girls for Easter (many thanks to ruffle fabric this year!) and I feel bad not making something for the boys, so I've done bow ties the last couple of years, too. This year they were crocheted and a little different, but cute. Thanks for the Easter pics!

  2. I love those bow-ties! I wonder if I could get my little man to wear one.

  3. Your boys are getting so big! What good looking boys!! And those ties look awesome! You amaze me!


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