
Friday, March 22, 2013

RoseArt Contest & Give-a-way: Surprise Inside Sidewalk Chalk

Want to win $200 Visa Gift Card, while having fun with your children and being creative? RoseArt has a new product out called "Surprise Inside Sidewalk Chalk." They are sponsoring a fabulous contest with this new Surprise Inside Sidewalk Chalk.

The Product: Surprise Inside Sidewalk Chalk comes in many different varieties. Would you like to win one? LEAVE A COMMENT suggesting an IDEA for a NEW SURPRISE INSIDE and I'll send you one of these sets!

OR- want to win a $200 Visa Gift Card, by trying out this chalk and creating a drawing? Read on for details....
  RoseArt challenged us to make use of this chalk, and come up with something creative using it. We used this one for our Chalk Art Drawing:

 Since Surprise Inside Sidewalk Chalk is for children ages three and up, my 7, 5, and 3 1/2 year olds all participated in making our drawing.
 Our Chalk Art was much more than just a drawing! We had the idea to put the surprise inside to use with our chalk art. My kids were so excited to see the prize inside! It is a lot of chalk to use to find the prize! Finally we got to the prize!
 Here is the prize inside!
Here is the prize inside of our Chalk Art:

 After a lot of work and fun, we were almost done with the drawing and ready for the best part of all...playing our GAME using our drawing that we created, and the Surprise Inside!
 Here is what we did with our Surprise Inside Chalk: We created a game board by drawing a path of squares. Next the children, added any kind of "lands" that they wanted. We needed something to help us move our game pieces along the board. So I drew a square of colors, as seen below. We used a small rock to roll on the board, and that told us where to put our playing pieces. For playing pieces, we used the Surprise Inside, and a car, action figure, etc.
 A GREAT IDEA- for this Surprise Inside Chalk, would be to  have your kids invite some friends, and have the game path already drawn. Give each of the kids a pack of Surprise Inside Chalk. You can pick these up for around $3 at K-mart, Target, and Walmart. (However I could not find it at my local Walmart.)  Let them use it to create their own lands, city's,etc. around the game board. When they get to their surprise inside, they can use that as their playing piece and play the game!

Here is our drawing! It was so large, that even standing on a ladder, it was hard to get it all in one photo.
 Here are the boys playing the game! They had so much fun and absolutely loved creating it themselves. They even names some of the lands after themselves- well one of them did. Can you see the surprise inside? It is moving along the game board...trying to get to the finish line!
 So here is how you can win:
1. Leave a comment suggesting an idea for a new hidden collectible surprise inside toy. 2 winners will get their own Surprise Inside Chalk, which I will send you. Please submit your ideas by March 28th. I will pick a winner after March 28th and send you a package of chalk-pictured above. Please make sure you leave me a way to contact you!! win a $200 Visa Gift Card...
2. Go purchase RoseArt's Surprise Inside Sidewalk Chalk- at Walmart, K-mart, or Target. (I did not find it at my local Walmart, so you might want to try Target.) Create your own sidewalk chalk art. The contest is judged on "The Best Use of Surprise Inside Sidewalk Chalk".
3. Take a photo of it, and email it to me at littlegemscrafts {at} gmail {dot } com.
I will pick the best ones to send to RoseArt. You will then be eligible to win a $200 Visa Gift Card from RoseArt!
4. Contest ends on APRIL 8th. Please submit your drawings by that date. Winners will be picked by RoseArt. Visa Gift Cards will be sent directly from RoseArt to the winners on April 12th.
THANK YOU ROSEART! We really loved this product, and will use it all spring and summer long!
NOW it is your turn! Don't forget to purchase the chalk, for $3 at K-mart, Walmart, or Target. Create your own drawing, and email me a photo of it at littlegemscrafts {at} gmail {dot} com. I will pick one to send to RoseArt for a $200 Visa Gift Card!! Or leave a comment on an idea for a new surprise inside, and I'll send  out a package of this product to 2 winners!

Good Luck!

As a blogger, I was entered into a contest for a $500 gift card for my chalk art creation, "Best Use of Surprise Inside Sidewalk Chalk." . I was sent a package of Surprise Inside Sidewalk Chalk to try myself.
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  1. This is such a fun, creative idea. My boys color with chalk all the time. I'm thinking they may find some of the Surprise Inside Sidewalk Chalk in their Easter baskets this year. I think my boys would enjoy finding stickers inside their Surprise Inside Sidewalk Chalk. It wouldn't even have to be certain characters either, my kids like all stickers.


  2. Sidewalk chalk is the best! And this looks like fun. My kids would love to find a dinosaur or bouncy ball inside their chalk.

  3. How fun! My boys love sidewalk chalk! I think they would both think tattoos would be a neat surprise!

  4. legos, legos, legos!!! Perfect size and "collectable" :) What a fun idea.

  5. a mini car to push/drive around on our chalk track :-)
    tnxns09 at gmail dot com

  6. I think dinosaurs or happy fruits with faces would be cute surprises.

    suziesweeps at


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