
Thursday, February 21, 2008

A return to St. George Marathon!!

So here I go posting my goal... I have not run a marathon or a half marathon since having children- since 2003- that was my last long run. And so... I am going to try and get into the St. George Marathon this year. This event is difficult to get in to- because of the number of people that want to run it. If I get in, it will be my 6th or 7th St. George Marathon. Usually it is a family event, with several family members running with me. I do want to continue having children, but before the next one comes along, I thought- and Aaron is supportive- of my return to running- and trying another marathon. And so- the training begins- however smal that may be right now. So Chad, Laura, Grandma Julie, and Dad... are you in?? Are you going to run with me this year? Come on, let's all JUST DO IT!

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