
Monday, October 20, 2008

Halloween Countdown Calendar

Here is another example of one of the things I have been working on. I love making up new projects- that I have not seen out there yet. ;) I get a little excited. :) It is a Halloween Countdown Calendar that is magnetic. You move the magnet according to how many days are left until Halloween. I have more similar items in the "works" for a GiVeWaY and opening of a small ESTY shop. Please come back and visit soon-so you can have a chance to win something fun! Thank you for all your kind words and encouragement :) Happy Halloween!


  1. I LOVE this blog! It always brings a huge smile to my face. Thanks for sharing all your great ideas.

  2. Ok, email me how you made that. It is too cute. I have been looking for a fun advent calendar for Christmas. This would be great.

  3. I love it!! Are you going to do one for Christmas? I want one, when will you start selling these?


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