
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Halloween Dinner- Muffin Tin Monday!

Last night for dinner we had our Muffin Tin Meal-Halloween style! We served it in a Jack-o-Lantern lolly-pop mold-that I found at Goodwill. Here is the menu and "How-to":
scarecrow hair (noodles w/feta cheese),
black beans (monster eyes),
spider rolls (Rhodes dough rolls- defrost, shape into spider, raisin eyes, sprinkle cinnamon and sugar for brown spider or grated cheese for hairy spider),
mummy (hot dog wrapped in dough), and
mixed vegetables (monster guts).....
My son wasn't super hungry, but we sure had fun making these things. He loved the apple, the hot dog, and the roll!
More ideas can be found here.
What fun and easy Halloween Foods are you making at your house?


  1. Holy cow Sharla, I was just looking through your blog and am totally impressed. You have so many wonderful ideas. I can't believe all of the fun stuff you do. Where do you get all of your fun muffin tins from? I can't wait to check back and see the new things you are doing!

  2. Sarah (not sure which Sarah this is-please tell me :))
    Muffin tins are everywhere- once you start looking. I got some at JoAnn's and some at thrift stores. It is really easy and a very fun thing to do w/ kids:)

  3. Cute and fun!! I gotta try the muffin tins.

  4. Cute and fun!! I gotta try the muffin tins.


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