
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Here it is......(sort of;))

You could win one of these! It is a Christmas magnetic advent calendar! I made a Halloween one that you can see here. This isn't the actual GiVe-A-WaY post, but if you post a comment on this post you get TWO EXTRA ENTRIES-the actual GiVe-A-WaY one will be posted in the next week or two!

I am actually going to be teaching a class on how to make these for my Church Women's Group. I will be putting together some KITS and will have some EXTRAS so if you want to make your own- you can purchase a KIT to make one....AND...

I am going to make some FINISHED PRODUCTS too. Hopefully all the bugs will get worked out and I'll have those available with the actual GiVe-A-WaY!! Remember leave a comment here for two extra GiVe-A-WaY entries! Check back in the next week or two for the actual one that I will be giving away! Thanks for stopping by:)


  1. Hi, I found your site a few days or so ago on crafy crow and loved it enough to put it on my sidebar. Such a cute idea! I'd love to be entered into the contest.

  2. Very cute! I'll be sure to check back soon.

  3. It's amazing what YOU can do with tins/cookie sheets! Such a cute idea I'm sure the RS will love it :)

  4. I love it! I love the black one so much I'm wondering how much a kit will be.

  5. Sharla, these are adorable! I especially love the second one.

  6. Sharla
    your page is great, so many cool ideas. I would love to be entered in your give-a-way.
    Desert Willow Ward

  7. Yeah, yeah, yeah!!! I was hoping you would make a Christmas one...the second one is my favorite, so CUTE!! I noticed the kits are for sale...SIGN ME UP!!!

  8. I seriously don't know how you come up with all of these cool ideas--plus find time to do them with 2 boys!! Amazing.

  9. If I don't win I would like to purchase the tree count down and could you post a picture of the halloween one to see if I would like that too Please!

    Ur the Best!

  10. Oops found the Halloween one. Very cute. :)

  11. I just came across your blog and think its great, now if I could just keep up with my own ;) I love the countdown calendars, especially the round ones. I would love to be entered into the drawing!

  12. oh my gosh. i am IN LOVE with these!

  13. I'm speachless, because their so cute!! How much would it cost you to get a kit??? Just in case I don't win? LOVE IT!!!

  14. Kit prices will be about:
    8.95 for the tree one and 11.95 for the round one. Possibly a little less:)

  15. I LOVE THEM!!! HOLY MOLY they are cute. I would love to buy a kit when you have them available. You are so creative. I wish I could do this as a craft for my Super Saturday I am in charge of in the morning. Do you think its to late to change my mind???? :) can't wait for the giveaway!. :)

  16. Super cute stuff here. I love that you made a tree on the red one...that's some crafty cleverness.

  17. Ooohh, enter me! LoVE ThEm!!! Are you guys having another Super Saturday? Your ward is lucky to have you.

  18. I'm glad to see the final product. They are both so cute. I am torn with which one I like better. I like the round shape, but I love the Christmas tree. I think the tree would be better for my little ones. Want to come to my ward too!?

  19. these are really cute! i just don't know how you do it... i want one!... just can't decide which one i like better though. they are both so cute.

  20. I'm totally there, if I'm not too late. I'm way excited to make one of these for Relief Society, they are so cute!! What a good gift!

  21. LOVE this!!!! would love to make as gifts!!! and be put in the drawing for this one!!!

  22. This is one of the cutest advent calendars I have seen. I have been looking for one for a couple of years now and have found one that I like. I hope I win one.

  23. Wow Sharla...I had no idea how creative you are :) Fun to see all of the fun things you do!!!

  24. Is it too late to enter? 'Cause I love your cute crafts.

  25. The Give-a-way- is up! you have until November 10th to enter-but if you left a comment- you are sort-of-already entered! Enter-it "officially" anyway- check at My Little Gems ;)


please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}