
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Waffle Sandwiches

The things you can do with your waffle iron! How about a sandwich? Do we really need 12 different appliances in the kitchen? I think I saw this on Rachael Ray a year or so ago. We have done this several times and it is always fun to do. The kids love it and it is great family fun! You don't even need waffles-but it is pretty tasty with waffles!
Here are the steps: Spray your waffle iron with Pam butter spray. Let the iron heat up. Place your bread (we used wheat bread) or tortilla, or waffle on the iron. Layer the "inners" on top. We used ham and grated cheese. Put the top on- the other bread, tortilla or waffle. Close the iron.

PRESTO! You have waffle sandwiches! You can really do any combination: mexican-beans, cheese, salsa, avacado; italian: tomato sauce, cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms; BBQ: bbq sauce, chicken, cheese, onions; or egg-mcmuffin on waffles: eggs, cheese, peppers, etc. The possiblities are endless! If you have done this or have another use for a waffle iron- do tell :) Enjoy!


  1. This is such a cool idea!!! I am going to have to try this. Thanks for the idea.

  2. Ever tried waffle brownies? Pour brownie mix onto the waffle maker and cook like you would waffles. Yummy - especially with ice cream!

  3. We have not tried waffle brownies! But have had chocolate waffles at someone's house before. I think we shall do the brownies- how yummy! thanks for sharing!


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