
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Give-a-way 1 Year Subscription to Wondertime Magazine!

Since you all have been so patient with this "crazy-pregnant-woman", I think it is time for a little Christmas GIVE-A-WAY! (I should probably get something nice for my husband too...since he puts up with....a bit more ;)) Do you like Family Fun Magazine? Then you will probably like Wonder time-especially if you have younger kids. It is also published by the Disney Company. It is a fun little magazine with things like child development, food and home, parenting, product reviews, etc. This issue shown above, had some great picture book reviews, tree decorating ideas, sweet treats, and gift ideas. Online they offered lots of fun free Disney print ables. I have really enjoyed it, and I just love magazines- so I thought I would offer this to you!
Here is what you do: Leave a comment on this post stating why you need this free magazine subscription!
Become a follower for an extra 5 entries.
Last day to enter will be Thursday December 18th.
I will announce the winner and email you for your mailing address at the end of the week!
Happy Holidays!


  1. i would love this subscription . . . a girl can never have enough magazines to read. i love to have a new magazine while i am waiting in my car for the kids to get out of school! thanks for the fun giveaway! kristen

  2. Oh, my family would love this. We can never run out of ideas to keep six children entertained. Thanks.

  3. I can use all the help with ideas that I can get and from the sounds of it, this magazine would help me with just that. Thanks for a great give-away!

  4. I would love this subscription. I am always trying to find fun new things to do with the boys.

  5. I have always wanted this subscription! Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. i love the magazine, i recieved it a few years ago as a gift and miss getting them in the mail! i follow you in my bloglines already, otherwise id sign up for that too!!

  7. Let's see. . .why do I need this subscription? Well. . .2 kids of my own, and a classroom full of first graders that I call my own! It sure would be helpful!

    What a fun bloggy gift!

  8. I would adore this subscription! I am living with my two young children (1 & 3 yrs old) and my husband in a small RV while my husband is helping hurricane Ike victims in Houston, TX. I love being a stay at home mom and this magazine would give us some great, fresh ideas while in away from home, this next year,living in a very small space.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hey girl! I really enjoy looking through magazines... it's one of the only things Logan will let me do in peace! I got a free Wonder Time magazine once and really enjoyed the ideas that were in it. Hope you have a super Merry Christmas! P.S. Your Christmas card was SO CUTE! I put it on my fridge with a couple of others, but so far it is the cutest one :) I am mailing mine tomorrow... I wanted to get them out last week... but I am such a slacker sometimes!

  11. i have 2 boys and one more on the way and i'm sure this magazine would give me some fresh new ideas to keep them entertained!
    i also want to become a follower for and extra 5 entries. i'll add you to my bloglines. thanks for the giveaway. -hayley

  12. I really need this magazine because I have 2 kids, aged 2 & 4. I need new ideas to occupy them, so that I can keep up with all my crafts, oh, I mean housework! Great giveaway! Thanks!

  13. This is a wonderful magazine. Great for pre-schooler and Pre-K. I need all the help I can get.

  14. I love Wondertime. When they very first came out I got an offer for a free magazine. Pretty cool! I also go to their website all the time. I'm already a follower. don't know if that counts or not. Merry Christmas!

  15. I usually just lurk but I have to comment for this giveaway - I love Wondertime magazine but have promised myself not to buy any magazines for a while. I take this one out of the library all the time and dream about the day my daughter is interested in more than just chewing on everything. :)

    *melanie from

  16. This magazine is on my Christmas list and I'm thinking my husband isn't going to go to the trouble of tracking it down.

    I have a 17-month old that I'll need help entertaining when baby #2 arrives in February, so this would be helpful for her (and it would be a nice little treat to help me keep my sanity).

  17. I love love love this magazine! There are so many great family oriented things in it!

    jessica at bellavalentinaphotography dot com

  18. I would love this magazine subscription. I, believe it or not, have not seen this magazine before. I must live under a rock!

  19. I'm always looking for inspiration...things to do with the kids, decorating, recipes. I love it all!

  20. That mag looks like so much fun! Pick me pick me!

  21. Because I teach preschool and I am always looking for fun and new ideas....
    Sorry that's a lame-o reason. I just want the magazine.:):):)

    I would follow your blog but I cant find the little link thingy.

  22. Oooh, this is right up my alley. I would LOVE this subscription. One can never get enough fun ideas. :)

  23. On my "New Year's Resolution" list, I want to plan more play dates for my 2 year old son. Having this magazine would be an added bonus for things to do with kids!

  24. With 2 young kids I'm always looking for ideas of stuff to do with them.
    Would love this magazine.

  25. Just found your site and I am happy I did!

    Wondertime would be great - not much time to track down ideas for how to make my time with my 2 children special, yet easier. I work full-time and refuse to give up on the idea that I can work as I have to, yet still be the crafty, playful mom that I want to be. Trying to anyway...

  26. Hi, I would love to have this magazine to help me in my goal to become the greatest domestic goddess to walk the earth...

  27. I'm in! I don't have any magazines subscriptions at the moment, and I just love reading something light while I eat breakfast. I've never heard of this one--It sounds great!

  28. I am not a parent but I'm "almost" a teacher - 4 more months of school and I'll be hunting for a job. I can use all the help I can get to "understand kids" as the magazine promises. :)

    Thanks for the chance to enter.


please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}