
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Kid-Friendly Christmas Decor

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If you can't beat 'em join 'em right? I don't really have any super nice Christmas decorations, but I don't really want my children destroying everything. When you have a 3 year-old and a 1 year-old, they are bound to want to undecorate the tree everyday. Well my brilliantly creative sister, did a princess tree for her little girl, and gave me the idea to do a "car" tree for my boys. This way, they can undecorate it to their heart's content, and mama is not bothered :)
We used their car rug for the tree skirt. The hotwheels and matchbox cars sit nicely right on the branches ;)

I LOVE Fisher Price little people toys. Fisher Price has some cute Christmas ones on their website. The train above, is really cute, (9.99). The hoops even spin when the train moves. And if you don't own a Fisher Price Nativity, it is a great investment!! I finally broke down and bought one this year. (Fisher Price's website had the best price by far.) This is the 2008 edition, and it plays Away in a Manger and the star lights up. I think it is a fun toy and a great way to teach about the Birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.

So there you go, Kid-Friendly Decor- that doesn't break! I think my Christmas just got a whole lot brighter:)


  1. YES I've wanted a Fisher Price Nativity for some time now. Maybe it's time for me too! :)

  2. Oh, I love Little People! I really want that Nativity. I'm such a kid:)

  3. Every year I get a new nativity. Each year I hope for the Fisher Price one....maybe this year. Thanks for the tip, I always thought their site would be the most expensive so I never went there!

  4. I just commented on her princess tree. I also like the boy version with the cars!

  5. We bought the kids the fisher price nativity 2 years ago and have added the new pieces each year. They get to open them the first day of December. They are played with constantly until we put the Christmas stuff away in January. I love that they are indestructible and the kids leave MY Nativities alone!

    Love the car tree!


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