
Thursday, December 18, 2008

I won I won I won!!

Are you even kidding me? Merry Christmas to me! I won a $200 gift card to Target from THEBLOGFROG!!! It is a completely free website that lets you connect with old friends so you must check it out!

I rarely enter blog give-a-ways and so I can't believe it!!

AND...our iron broke tonight, and being that I am in the middle of finishing up a zillion C-mas gifts, my husband ran to TARGET to get a new iron!! I spend so much at that store, so this is a really great thing!!

Now I can pay for our new iron! Ha!! I am so excited!!! Thank you BlogFrog!

The WINNER of the magazine subscription will be announced this week so stay tuned :)


  1. Congrats! What a fun early Christmas surprise!

  2. How exciting!!! Congrats, I am excited for you! Hope you have fun spending "free" money at my favorite store ;)

  3. Congrats! That's awesome! $200 at Target is like gold. :)

  4. How cool was that! :) Merry Christmas

  5. Wow! I actually know someone who won a big giveaway - awesome! Enjoy what you get there :)

  6. Congrats!! I check out that site because of your blog, how fun that you won!


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