
Friday, December 19, 2008

Winner of Wondertime Subscription!

We tallied up all the results and prepared them...
Then as usual, we had an unbiased third party draw a name....AND....

Don and Susan Brady are the winners! You said, "This is a wonderful magazine. Great for pre-schooler and Pre-K. I need all the help I can get.
I will be emailing you for your mailing address so I know where to send this! THANKS TO ALL WHO ENTERED! You all had GREAT reasons for getting the magazine- wish we could have chosen all of you :) Happy Holidays!


  1. I won, WOW, I love the ideas in this magazine, I have three almost Grandkids three days each week and I need all the help I can get. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou!

  2. I like your snowman bowl where did you find it?

    Congratulations to Don and Susan!

    Merry Christmas :)

  3. The snowman bowl I use for a candy dish or for a candle and I have had it for about 10 years... I think I got it at Robert's craft in Utah.


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