
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Money Saving Monday- Using Pharmacy Coupons

If you get the Sunday paper, then you are probably aware of Pharmacy coupons. Where I live, I have seen them for Target ($10), CVS Pharmacy and Walgreens ($25). Here is how they work: If you fill a new perscription, or transfer a perscription to their store, you get a gift card to use at that store, if you bring in the coupon from the newspaper. I have one that came back in December, for Walgreens ($25) that doesn't expire until February. I have used these at Fry's too, and saved $40 off of my grocery bill all at once-just for filling a perscription- that cost me $4. :) (The Fry's ones come in the mail). If someone in your family needs a perscription or a refill, look for the pharmacy coupons. Hey- it is like getting free merchandise just for filling a perscription-which is probably something you were going to do anyway. Happy Money Saving!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey - the DVD is Dance Dance Revolution for our Wii. Lots of fun and it can actually be a workout if you get in to it. Let's just hope all the bouncing around doesn't set me into labor too early :)


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