
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Storytime: Winnie in Winter

Are you tired of winter yet? Well Winnie is, in this story, Winnie in Winter. (Unfortunately, I just looked this book up on Amazon, and it is pretty pricey. I have had my copy for years, so see if you can find it at a bookstore- it is a darling story so snatch it up ;)) This is the cutest story about a witch named Winnie, and her cat, who are both tired of winter. So Winnie uses her magic to turn things into summer in her yard. Of course, everyone wants to come to her yard and enjoy summer!
And come they do.....soon, Winnie decides that winter isn't so bad and she will enjoy it while it lasts.

This story is so popular at our house, that we have had to read it every night for several weeks. It is so popular, that the mommy in this house, hid it away for a few days, so we could enjoy some of our other fun books:) If you can get a copy of this book, it is a keeper! I think your children will love the illustrations and the fun story- just as it is loved here at our house! Enjoy the rest of winter-- spring is around the corner- and I can't wait !


  1. I found you! Now, how do we exchange info cuz I have a private blog too! xoxo DeAnn

  2. if this is the DeAnn I think it is- leave your email as a comment- and I will not publish it- and I will email you from my email :)


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