
Friday, March 6, 2009

Baby E Photo Shoot

This was my 3rd baby shoot- last month. (pretty much my 3rd "real" shoot of a baby that wasn't my own:)) This sweetie was about 6 weeks old. I just love little newborns. I am slowly but surely getting some practice and learning more things about photography of little ones indoors. I don't own any fancy equipment, even my camera is pretty standard-nothing fancy yet. I think it is time to take a class....or something and learn a little more...ahhhh..someday....sometime;) For now I'll just continue as a hobby, practicing and learning all I can. :) Thank you dear friends for letting me practice on you :)

This one isn't quite as clear as I would like ;) I'm not done editing these yet, so maybe we'll find a better one. I do like how the baby is looking up, and the catch-light in her eyes.


  1. I LOVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY! and I wish you were here to take pics of John for me :) These look amazing and I'm surprised you haven't had more experience.

    BTW, I forgot to say I like your car quilt - such cute detail!

  2. What can't you live closer to me so you can take my little ones pictures? They are gorgeous - I'm gonna have to steal some ideas and attempt to do them myself :)

  3. Love your blog!! You have inspired me to get cracking on my craft room. What kind of camera do you have??

  4. Sarah
    I have a Sony Cybershot H10- it is what is called a prosumer/semi-professional camera. It is nothing fancy. I used my point and shoot automatic camera for a long time and got some really good shots. With my point and shoot, and even now I take lots and lots of photos and make sure the lighting is just right. ;) Read and study and practice:) Thanks for your nice comment!


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