
Thursday, March 5, 2009

not good.

I have been diligently working on this (a quilt I actually started back in 2006 and never finished--oops)

I am determined to finish it this week- it is almost done- and I have a little boy who can't wait for it (he wants to drive his cars on the road (the border of the quilt) :)

And then this happened....

If you know anything at all about Singer sewing machines, machine quilting, and what to do when the needle won't move up or down but will go a little bit backwards but then it won't budge... (it's jammed)...please share if you happen to know how to fix this problem. ;) I can't find the manual...if hubby can't fix it...I'm taking to a repair shop. Sewing is on hold for now. boo hoo. At least I'll be going to bed before 1 a.m.! unless I find some other projects to do :) (I better just go to bed!)


  1. That is the exact same thing that happened to my moms SINGER machine this week. She took it to the repair shop....but I never asked what it ended up being. I will check with her if you would like. Good luck. By the way, your quilt is ADORABLE. That is one talent I wish I had. I can hardly sew a button on! :)

  2. that stinks! did you figure it out yet? Usually I can see thread wound around something when that happens and all I have to do is remove it. How's the tension control? You'll probably just have to take it in...unless there's a manual online that you can view and get hubby to fix it! Sorry!

  3. You might check the bobbin mechanism below the needle. sometimes the thread will bind up and jam. Checking that is the only suggestion I have but it works with my Bernina.


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