
Monday, March 16, 2009

I Heart Faces-Green Theme

He is one of my "little good luck charms" just as it says- and I think his sweet face says it all.
(photo taken Feb/March 2008)

This is a fun photo-sharing blog with all kinds of amazing photographers from beginners to professionals. If you are interested in photography, you might want to check it out


  1. Such an adorable good luck charm.


  2. awww... that's perfect!

  3. That's a cute lucky charm! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I love meeting other Mom's of Boys. I too "Belong," to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that is :)

  4. What a great good luck charm you have! :) Beautiful blue eyes!


  5. What a cutie :-) love his little shirt and those big eyes!

  6. He is adorable! Love the muffin tin meal idea too. Thanks!


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