
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Airplane Quilt is now Flying :)

Finally Finished!! Instead of blogging, instead of doing the dishes, instead of sleeping, I have been working on this during the past several days. So I stayed up late tonight (thank you Redbox for the movie) and finished it! This is for my 20 month old son who is obsessed with Airplanes- "airpeen" as he calls them. :) It measures about 54 by 54 inches. The fabric is by Michael Miller, from a collection called Tot Town. The airplane print is called "Fly by Day". There are tons of prints for girls out there, but cute boy fabric, seems to be another story. (Although...I have found some really cute ones recently, and now I want to make more little quilts for my boys....)
Here is an close-up of the fabrics. Fortunately, I had a dot fabric from Wal-mart- that matched almost exactly (thank you Wal-mart) and I used that for the back. I am not very good at machine quilting yet...but I am sure getting some practice. I think I need a little break from sewing....although I have 3 more quilts I want to make in the next 60 days...before this baby comes :) ...oh dear....darn "nesting"... makes me want to do more than I have energy to do...:)


  1. I love it - it turned out cute! And the machine quilting looks great :) Now I've got to teach my self how to do it, too!

  2. That is fantastic. You may say you aren't very good - but it looks great to me!!! I look forward to seeing the other three when you have them finished.

  3. Looks great! I just wish you lived closer so you could show me how to machine quilt :)

  4. This is so adorable! You did a great job - I like it better than the one at American Quilting. :) I'm so glad you shared.


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