
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Button Frame

Still using up my stash....I had this plain chalkboard, so I painted the frame, and used some wood glue to glue on some buttons. When painting the chalkboard frame, cover the edge w/ tape so you don't get paint on the actual chalkboard. You could use this same idea to make a frame for a picture, cover the edge of a mirror, magnetic or wipe off board, or any kind of frame. Add wire, fabric, or ribbon to the back to hang it from if you wish.
This could make a cute and easy/affordable gift. :) I think mine will find a home in the office/craft room :) Happy Creating!


  1. I love this! I am a huge button fan and I love using them for all sorts of things! Actually...I am at the point where I could really use to ADD to my stash for once! LOL!

  2. That looks easy enough. I think my kids could do this and create some fun gifts to give away. Thanks for the idea.

  3. Very cute. This would make a great birthday activity. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love the frame, awesome for the little ones to do, I also have a Super Award for you in my blog :)

  5. You've got a ridiculously awesome craft stash. I'm always amazed at the great things you create from THE STASH.


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