
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Earth Day Cookies

Disclaimer: I know these don't look that pretty-- but at 11 p.m. at night, when you have to make pre-school treats, you make do with what you have- and let's face it- pre-school kids will eat anything with frosting!

SO... I had this idea to make some sort of cookies and frost them to make little earth cookies, since they are celebrating Earth Day at my son's pre-school tomorrow... and lo-and-behold- someone else posted these little beauties-so cute! So click there if you want to see some pretty ones :) Just make your favorite cookie and frost it with blue and green frosting. (frosting on oatmeal cookies isn't easy and doesn't look pretty-but hey I did it anyway- I figured oatmeal cookies were a tiny bit better for you than sugar cookies :))Hope you had fun celebrating Earth Day this week!


  1. Oooo! I can't wait for those to come to preschool this morning! YAY!

  2. They look yummy. I would most definitely eat one!

  3. So cute! I'm going to have to extend earth day another day so that I can make them. p.s. yours are pretty too...I didn't even need to click on the link after all!


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