
Friday, April 17, 2009

Framed Fabric

Let's face it... I. WILL. FRAME. ANYTHING. Seriously- I have a problem w/ frames and it isn't new.

It has been going on for years. I had this idea to frame some fabric- and I had these frames in the garage. So I just put the fabric in them- and some vinyl I had on hand....might change that part later....hey- I might change the frame color later...too....and you can always change the fabric :)

So we have really high ceilings, that have just been ignored- and since I don't want to do anything permanent...I just did this.....hhhhmmmm...not sure but I think I like it. It's better than the white space that was there. What do you think?
Don't have $ to redo everything or even some things- how nice would that be- so I am just adding/updating/re-doing/what we already have-for cheap-o-free-using up the stash! Must be that nesting thing kicking in....because I have more projects planned than I can possibly do before this baby comes ;) oh well- who needs sleep right? ha!


  1. I LOVE IT!!!! Agian - you are just so creative. I would have never thought of this one either. It looks fabulous. I can't wait to see it in person.

  2. These are so pretty and uplifting! Great ways to use what you already have.


  3. I like it.
    Way better than the great wide open.

  4. I love it! (Also, I love your Pier One curtains. Funny thing, I had the same ones hanging in the condo. I want to hang them in front of the sliding glass door... but haven't gotten around to it yet.) Needless to say, you have great taste! Sorry I missed you when you were in town. Let's for sure get together next time you are here. :)

  5. Great idea! I love that you added words to your framed fabric. Wow! I have so much to do now that I've seen your blog! p.s. I just had my 4th baby a few weeks ago & you are sleep needed!


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