
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Enjoying this

Blogging absence due to last minute trip for a family emergency...and we also enjoyed

Easter Sunday with family and cousins
Seeing lots of these from the freeway
this is the Logan Temple in Utah

Doing some of this
Enjoying the sweetness of these
Seeing the beauty of these

Doing THIS- my boys throwing rocks in the river

Lots of THESE

Viewing MY FAVORITE MTN....TIMP while driving lots of miles

I have climbed numerous times in the past and just love this mountain

And of course we enjoyed EASTER and FAMILY. Next time we hope we have time to enjoy our friends also and more family :)
more little gems to come soon ....


  1. Hope everything is okay!! beautiful trip like this is better than blogging any day!!

  2. Don't you love coming out of Sardine canyon, rounding that last bend, when you can get the first look of the Logan Temple? Gorgeous photo!

  3. Very fun! I'm glad you got to go up to Logan and spend some time with family.

  4. I was wondering where you were this past Sunday - we missed you. I hope things are well. Call me if you need to talk. I am definitely a friend!!!!!

  5. I like these pictures. Especially the one of the temple!


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