
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Why I Create

I rarely watch videos online. This one really touched my heart. Creating is a deep yearning within me. :) This video really puts being creative and those desires to do so in perspective. No matter who you are, this is definitely a beautiful message for all women who yearn to create! Enjoy!

Thanks Tara, for sharing this with me:)


  1. This is so great! I saw this a while back znd wanted to put it on my blog but being the computer dork that I am, couldn't figure it out. This message is one that everyone needs to see and feel. It really makes me get a lump in my throat!

  2. I have seen this before. I think it is great that you are sharing it with the entire blogging world!!! It helps to bring a great sense of self worth! Thank you!

  3. isn't it beautiful!! i love it too! ♥

  4. This talk helped me realize all the projects I've been working on really are of value! I loved it.


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