
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Apron Mail ☻

Yeah! I love fun mail- and REAL mail (you know, from real people, not junk mail or bills :)).
My apron swap partner, from the Vintage Remix Flirty Apron Swap, sent me this beautiful vintage apron. Bless her heart, she had a family tragedy, and still managed to get an apron to me. She purchased it from this darling etsy shop. It is so cute- the kind of apron you don't want to get dirty. ☻ I love it- the only problem for me, is that I am so incredibly-huge-ly-pregnant-right now that it doesn't fit me yet. So I have something to look forward to, another reason besides getting out of maternity clothes and into my fat jeans, my not-so-fat-jeans, my normal jeans, and my skinny jeans......I also have a cute apron to wear! Here's to getting motivated to lose the baby weight-after the baby comes ;) Many thanks Terri, for the adorable apron! Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. That apron is VERY cute! Getting it in the mail would make me grin all day - I love happy mail.


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